Ofsted Inspection November 2019 – Academy Graded ‘GOOD’
The Bourne Academy is delighted and immensely proud to announce that it has been graded as ‘GOOD’ in the latest Ofsted Inspection at the end of November.
During a recent two-day inspection, by four Ofsted Inspectors, The Bourne Academy welcomed the chance to showcase the hard work and dedication of its staff, students, parents and local community. The Bourne Academy was the first secondary school in Bournemouth to be inspected under the new rigorous Ofsted framework.
The Academy is extremely pleased with the outcome of the inspection and all the excellent feedback both on the day and in the final report. Snippets from the report follow:
- The Bourne Academy is a welcoming and inclusive school. Pupils and staff are proud to be members of the school community. The views of many pupils are reflected in the comment, ‘The school helps me to be the best version of myself.’
- The school is a calm, yet vibrant, place to learn. Pupils are respectful, friendly and polite.
- Staff model respectful behaviours, and pupils respond positively.
- Leaders’ ambition for pupils to ‘aspire’ runs deeply throughout the school. It is reflected in the design of the curriculum and pupils’ subject choices.
- Leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Pupils can therefore learn without disruption. Pupils say that staff are fair when applying the school’s behaviour policy. When pupils’ conduct falls below expectations, staff take effective action. Pupils behave well during social times and are considerate of each other. They respond well to staff instructions.
- Sixth-form lessons have many strengths. Teachers have good subject expertise. Students are scholarly and ask and answer complex questions in class. Sixth-form leaders and staff know students well. Staff carefully track students’ attendance, wellbeing and progress. The careers lead provides effective guidance for students’ futures. Staff value all pathways equally and celebrate their students’ successes.
- Governors are proud of the strong link with the sponsor school. The impact is evident in the ambitious pupil exchange programme.
- School leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding. The safeguarding team is well trained, skilled and organised. Staff use the school’s safeguarding procedures well.
The full report can be viewed on the Academy’s website and on the Ofsted website later this week.
Mark Avoth, Principal, commented: ‘We are all so proud of this result - we felt it was a rigorous inspection, carried out with great insight and professionalism. I would like to offer my enormous congratulations to all staff, students and governors on this tremendous external validation of the inspirational work that goes on every day at The Bourne Academy.’