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Class of 1999 Reunited after 20 years!

The Kingsleigh School class of 1999 met in July for a 20-year reunion. The Reunion took place at The Bourne Academy, formerly known as Kingsleigh School. The event was well attended by students and the group’s Head of Year, Mr Williams.

The group was taken on a tour of the site and while many areas of the old Kingsleigh School still stands, so much has changed over the last 20 years since they were students. The school, now an Academy has grown to make way for more than double the amount of students as in 1999.

The event was organised by current Academy teacher/Head of House, Affolake Lewis, who herself was a former student having left the school in 1999. She says, ‘Thank you to everyone who attended, it was so fantastic to see you all - great to catch up and share memories’.

The Academy Alumni Association was launched in 2015, and welcomes former students who attended the school, whether it was East Howe, Kingsleigh, Kings High School or The Bourne Academy when they attended.

‘I am so pleased with the event and would love to hold more reunions. If there are any students out there from the class of 2000 please get in touch so that we can organise another event for next year!’ asks Gemma Holden, Alumni Coordinator.  ‘We would love to hear from any/all former students and hope to organise reunions and alumni events to ‘keep in touch’ with those who will always be part of our history!’

Anyone who would like to join or find out more can contact Gemma Holden by emailing or visiting The Bourne Academy Alumni Facebook page.