Young Carers
Their day to day responsibilities often include:
- Cooking
- Cleaning
- Shopping
- Providing nursing and personal care
- Giving emotional support
With so many adult responsibilities, Young Carers may miss out on opportunities that other children have. That's why we have set up a weekly club where our 140 Young Carers meet for breakfast, games and chats, both with their own understanding peer group and with understanding adult volunteers from the teaching/pastoral staff. There are parties at Christmas, ice creams in the summer and the aim of one outing per term if funding permits.
14% of our student cohort are Young Carers (compared to an average of 0.9% in secondary schools nationally).
Further Information and Support
Please contact Mrs Jackie Beer, Education Social Worker, at the Academy or email
You may like to watch this helpful video from the NHS, CLICK HERE
BCP Council can offer support and assessments, please email:
Dorset Community Foundation
The Dorset Community Foundation, amongst generous funders, has often supported the Academy and our Young Carers group since 2017. The funding provided by Dorset Community Foundation has helped the Academy to create a a post for a Wellbeing Coordinator, Emotional Literacy support sessions and the running of the Young Carers Club.